Monday, August 3, 2009

Collabs - how we wanna do it?

Hey all! My First Post!

Andrea invited me to post an entry asking how we might want to handle the collaboration issue I brought up in the comments. In a nut here's the issue:

We're invited to draw on five pages of each Mole and collaborate with the previous artist on the last of their drawings.

If someone's last page is a Left Hand page, then would I (1) add to their drawing ON the LH page or would I (2) contain myself to the RH page?

Option 1: No problem. Just add right onto what exists, and then draw on five more pages. So each artist has four exclusive pages and two collaborative pages—one with the artist that came before and one to be completed by the artist that comes after.

Option 2: Initially the idea was that the collaboration would be on a separate page, but every other artist's work will end on a RH page, so the collaborator would be working on the back side of that page which isn't terribly collaborative.

So how would we like it done?

Theoretically, we could ask each person to initiate their Mole with five pages, then we could each do six pages within - this would ensure that each artist ends on a LH page, leaving a RH page for the next person to get started and collaborate. However this wouldn't work out for people choosing to use the 60-page watercolor Moles and it would add to the work. It sounds to me that the seven pages of last time was a bit much for some to complete, and six isn't much of a break.

I personally wouldn't have any problem with collaborations taking place on the same page as the last person's art (Option 2). It challenges the artist to leave space but launch an idea, and challenges the next artist to use the space and explore the idea. Also, it sticks to the same page count commitment, shouldn't over-extend the watercolor books, and would be really interesting.

I'm hoping some folks weigh in with how they feel about it and throw out some ideas.

Here's a few collabs from Flickr to inspire. Ours might be more wild because of the diversity of styles:
Artdenka collab work

Island Natives!

Underwater collab with Olla Boku (Taiwan)


Moleskine.Exchange said...

I REALLY like Option 1: No problem. Just add right onto what exists, and then draw on five more pages. So each artist has four exclusive pages and two collaborative pages—one with the artist that came before and one to be completed by the artist that comes after.

Also just to be clear a Page is one side, not both sides.

steve said...

I agree with Andrea, though I'm up for whatever the guidelines may be. In the meantime, your work is pretty incredible - so glad you can join us!

anders said...

I'm in the habit of not drawing on the backs of pages. I'm definitely interested in seeing how some collaborative pages might come together though.

I was also thinking about spreading things a bit more randomly too. So, instead of it ending up as 5 pages of one artist then 5 pages of the next artist, and so one, everyone picks a random 5 out of the available empty pages.

We could just have people come up with their own rules for the one they start, write them on a card that's stuck in the pocket and everyone tries to stick with the rules of the notebook they're currently working in.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

In my other group, one of the artists sometimes intentionally mixed up the pages, and it was fun to discover her work randomly throughout. I would only ask the people sign their work or label it in some way. Most of the time, everyone's styles are different, but if we mix them up, it will be a little harder to keep them straight.

Any way we decide is okay with me.

Moleskine.Exchange said...

I also like Anders' idea of having each person write a little "please do this in my book" note in their books. Good thinking!

I for one like to see consecutive pages by one artist.

ballookey said...

I personally would probably do consecutive pages because I think in themes, but I'll do whatever the instructions in the book say.

I like the idea of collaborating on the same page, though, so I hope that works out.

henniemavis said...

Heavens to Betsy, I'm not sure I even understand what's transpiring here. For the record, I have no sketch exchange preferences whatsoever. I'm just here for the party :-)

What the rest of the group decides is cool by me. I'll hope for a concise summary of "the rules" once they manifest?

Unknown said...

Both options sounds cool though I think I like option one better (2 collaborative pages and 4 whole pages for each artist) I usually don't use both sides of the paper, but I guess I will for this project - or else I will have very little room for art...

I got my book today and really want to start working on it so hope the rules are decided on quickly...

Moleskine.Exchange said...

Thanks for posting this Ballookey. I decided to go with option #1, see my most recent post.