Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pages 3 & 4

I've been learning so much from Moleskine Exchange, I don't know if it's because I interact with other people's work, or because doing only certain amount of pages in a book get me to be more adventurous and try new things, but from the second book I had, I realized that I work best with a theme.

So Ashe's book was dedicated to fairy tales, Andrea's were dedicated to poems about Birds, Steve's book (I think) was dedicated to my trip to LA, and I decided to dedicate Milo's book to food.



Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I love your pieces and the way you see things, beautiful. Nice color combos.

Something Different said...

I love those cleavers! I like that you do a theme in each book, that is something I might consider for round 3.