Saturday, April 18, 2009

The hole in my thinking


Ian russell said...

nice one, Baggelboy.

does this mean you've finished Milo's? I better get a shift on...

Mike Kline said...

Alan - Wild & wonderful stuff! I have to admit, the thought of having worms in my brain gives me the "Jeepers Creepers" - especially if I am still alive. The one that went off his head looks purely (h) armless! I am sure, he wouldn't hurt anyone.
I also saw a departing soul and what looked like a legion like possession of bald demons in the last one. I love the thought provokingness of your art.

steve said...

These are fantastic Alan. The colors, composition, etc etc. Again, they look like screen prints. Wonderful job!

Andrea said...

Holy Smokes! These are wonderful, that yellow really shines. I am always in awe of your line work!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! Super fantastic and utterly imaginative--WILD and crazy, wonderful linework and color! FAR OUT! I love these!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Particularly sweetly varied and FUN!

baggelboy said...

It will be on it's way very soon Ian. It's been a while.

Screen prints are a good idea but Satan told me to make linocuts out of some of the stuff I've been doing here. I've just started a new blog for them all.

steve said...

Damn, you're unstoppable! Love 'em all!

Johnnynorms said...

i love the flow of your ideas Alan

baggelboy said...

It's all due to half price wine sales at Tescos.

Ammon said...

These are mighty sweet and holy.