Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mike's book pages 3 and 4

So then I had a great idea, which was that in honor of Mike's style, I'll only use black and white to do all the pages in his book. As you can see, this decision lasted only 1 page...

However I did picked the topic for this book for something that i know mike likes which is "Bones".
A topic that's also a very much in my mind lately - my mother in law just broke her elbow after being tripped by a Jack Russell Terrier in  park, and so we talked a lot a bout bones in the past couple of weeks.



I think this is my favorite page in this batch:


Mike Kline said...

Absolutely amazing work!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Catastrophically fabulous. I particularly like the hummingbird. These are SUPER!