Wednesday, January 4, 2012

pages 2 and 3 in Stephanie's sketchbook: Aspen Colorado

Aspen, Colorado
the walking trail

Two more pages completed in a two-page spread.    This is another for the Virtual Paintout.  Aspen, Colorado.  I scanned the pages separately and didn't get the register quite right in the image.  Sorry.  It doesn't look like that in the book (in the center.)

Here is the google maps street view image I used to paint this from (for the Virtual Paintout).

Screen capture of street view used for painting above


Unknown said...

his is so lovely and lush! it really makes me want to go on vacation.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks so much, Aya! :-D

I love Colorado. Of course, it doesn't look like that now.

ballookey said...

Wow, Mary, your interpretation of that scene is gorgeous!