Thursday, March 1, 2012

hummingbird in Ballokey's book (pages 9-10)


This is one of my all time favorite poems, it's so moving and so simple.


Mike Kline said...

I absolutely love all the Hummingbirds! Wonderful, fun, and super happy!

Tami Cohen said...

this is one of my favorites as well... you have drawn it so beautifully!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

me too me too! I love hummingbirds and you did this SO NICELY!!! Beautiful!!!!!!!

Something Different said...

These colors are lovely Aya.

ballookey said...

The sentiment in that poem is SO beautiful, and the cascade of hummingbirds too - so charming! :)

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Yes indeedy! This is so cool!

roma said...

My husband is what I call a "hummingbird whisperer"--hummingbirds sometimes land on his hand. And so I am awfully fond of these joyous little birds. These are beautiful!