Monday, April 3, 2017

In Aya's Book (Feb-2017)

Hi all - starting with the 1st book I had (Aya's) during February.  Didn't realize we had this forum until last week.  I will catch-up...

This space/cat is the 1st full-page I finished. 

I tried be be intentional with my color choice on the facing page  in hopes of tying it all together a bit. 

I then opted to write a repeated phrase ("We all take so much for granted.") extracted from my writing to fill the the negative space around incredible rabbit Aya left for me on the collaborative page.  

Next as an homage to a great sketch Aya did of the legendary Judith Butler which she posted on Instagram, I took a turn trying to do my own.  The prelim sketch was pretty wonderful; the finished project is a bit off - my portrait skills are in need of further honing.  Anyhow, if you don't know Judith's brilliant work on gender theory, do check it out! 

On International Women's Day I did another homage of sorts, to the pop-wonder known as the pussy-hat and to as many creative inspirational women I could think of.  Did I miss one of your favorites?

Lastly, I drew the banner above and added my own text: "You find comfort in measurement." to it as a prompt for Ballookey to finish.  

So happy to join your great project...I look forward to seeing each of your work!


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Space Cat Rocks!!!

Unknown said...

Wow! I love this so much! it's so up my ally! thank you!

Lara K said...

Very belated reply to you both - I have not figured out how to turn-on notices for any comments made on posts I create...
Apologies not to acknowledge until now.

Aya, so glad you like what I did in your book and Mary, delighted that you enjoy SpaceCat!

Happy Summer Ladies~


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I did look up Judith Butler and read about her and her theories, interesting (a bit dense).

Lara K said...

Yes Mary, Judith is not a light read - but brilliant and worth it! Her best known work, "Gender Trouble" is the book I'd suggest, but even if not I appreciate that you took a look!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I've been reading it here:

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

It's quite interesting.