Saturday, September 4, 2010

Distracted Driver

Further information on Distracted Drivers can be found here.

*Sorry about the bleed through!


Unknown said...

So a couple of weeks ago, we took a ride to Gloucester MA, Ned was making the bike go, while I was sitting in the back. At some point, I noticed a guy driving in a car and texting, so I decided to count how many people are either texting or talking on their cellphones while driving. After 30 minutes I got so pissed off, I stopped - I reached 43 people!!!

the worse was the woman who, to deal with the road noise so she can talk on the phone, used one hand to hold the phone and the other to block her other ear.

Mike Kline said...

72% of adults text and drive... Bring on the DWT "Driving While Texting charges. Texting and driving is more dangerous than Drinking and Driving - so I hear.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Cool art, very apros pos!

Too bad no one will listen!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Yr preaching to the choir!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

(Or, maybe I should just say I don't text while driving, and I pull over if I need to talk on my cell.)

Unknown said...

We don't have a car, we have a motorcycle. We never go on it when we drink, even one sip of beer, we won't text or talk on the phone, if we are in a great hurry or a bad mood, we'll take the train.

And still every time I tell people about the bike, I get a sour face and a lecture about how dangerous it is and how we should get rid of the bike.

It really pisses me off to see how reckless people get in cars, not because it's fun or they want to be brave, but out of stupid force of habit and lack of attention...

Last summer I saw someone driving a car and smoking pot, if you can believe it...

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I can believe it. I've seen and smelled it too!

I drive a motorcycle, too. No texting or cell phoning while using that! (I don't do those things in a car, either, but it would be harder on a bike!)

Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding superficial, I was actually attracted to the donut in this piece.

Um, so... nice donut, Mike! ;-)

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

LOL!!! :-D