Sunday, January 27, 2013

Round 4 Moleskine Cover, SP with Biker Buddy

Self Portrait with Biker Buddy
"tentative final"
click this and all images to view larger
Yesterday, my new Round 4 Moleskine arrived in the mail!  YAY!  I'm so excited.  Biker Buddy and I went out and took a self portrait photograph from which I painted the cover of my new Moleskine. Acrylics on gessoed Moleskine cover.  OH--I took pix of the stages again.  I will post them below.

I need to get back to work on my Fellowship application.  No more art until I hear that this round has officially started.

gesso and pencil sketch


underpainting and first coat

adding highlights and first details


roma said...

That came out GREAT, Mary!! Loved seeing the process. How are you going to ensure it doesn't rub off since it's on the cover? A sealer?

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Yeah, the round 3 one, which I didn't varnish, rubbed off pretty badly, so I think I will seal this one with Acrylic varnish. See how that works. I kind of like the wear on the other one. I am going to seal that one, too, as is.

I make make another portrait at then when I get it back. Looking at the four moles, you can see the aging process, and also the improvements in my skill level.

ballookey said...

That's an adorable image!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks so much, Balloookey! My husband is such a sweetheart. This will give context to the Mole. :-D

Moleskine.Exchange said...

I love it Mary!
Of course, you are in.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

YAY! I'm in, I'm in! Woohoo!