Monday, October 20, 2008

Bagelboy's moly is on the way to Steve!!


steve said...

Andrea, you continue to top yourself!! Your work is always a feast for the eyes. The "American Horrific" truly truly sums it up for this duo, and is hands down effing brilliant. You make my day Big A!

Ian russell said...

ha, ha, American Horrific! Excellent!

Do I take it most of you are backing Obama?

Ian russell said...

I love the weave style on that last one.

steve said...

I sure am. He'll be visiting my town for a rally only a mile down the street from my apartment tomorrow afternoon/evening. You bet I'll be there Ian.

Something Different said...

I am backing Obama by default, I wanted to vote for Hillary.

Thanks Steve & Ian!

Mike Kline said...

I totally agree! :American Horrific" is a classic... Awesome.

President Obama is already packing to move in. I loved the Barack quote in Fast Company Magazine (Cover)

"If you're looking for the safe choice, then you shouldn't be backing a 46 year old black guy."
-Barack Obama

Jess said...

Are those happy halloween meatballs? Whatever they are, I like 'em.

I also love the weave pattern. This is all excellent work... awesome, awesome job.

Johnnynorms said...

American Horrific is spot on - all my office loved it. I'm mesmerised by Random.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Too too funny. American Horrific is GLORIOUSLY wonderful! LOL! What a riot. That are all great and fun and well-done, but that one is FAB!!!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

That weave is very cool. YAY! :-D

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

And the ho hum motel is really funny!

Unknown said...

About 'America Horrific" -- pretty much sums it up, and would be where we would be heading (back) to if this duo makes it (steals their way) into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!). Please say NO to the NeoCon's War on Intelligence on November 4th! Please!

"Forget Joe the Plumber. What about Dow the Plummet?" -- Unknown