Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Shaman at an Autumnal Poem

My last piece in Mike Kline's Big Book, and I hope to mail it off tomorrow.

The last self portrait I made was younger and prettier than I really am these days. This one I look a bit haughty, but I am supposed to look as if I am examining the viewer with a skeptical, careful eye.


steve said...

This is absolutely amazing Mary. You by far went above and beyond with this!! Mike is a lucky guy.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks so much, Steve, I really appreciate that. :-D

Ian russell said...

excellent work, Mary!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks, Ian! :-D


I'm still behind from my travels, will try to catch up soon. I hope.

Moleskine.Exchange said...

Your pointilism makes my jaw drop! Bravo Mary!