Monday, February 23, 2009


I just got Willies, book! I'll be sending it on to Steve as soon as I can.


steve said...

Cool, looking forward to it Andrea! In the meantime, I'm wondering who has my book, currently?

milo said...

seriously! i saw that... and thought damnit.. it looks like one of mine!

Ian russell said...

not me, Steve - I have Mary's.

Mike Kline said...

I am working on Ian's!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Sure does--i was curious!

Mike Kline said...

Ian's moleskin is now on its way across America on the way to the United Kingdom. "God Save the Queen, I mean it man" (Johnny Rotten & the Sex Pistols). However, this moleskin is heading to Johnny Norms...Enjoy!

Moleskine.Exchange said...

Maybe Jess? I am lost on what the rotation is supposed to be.

Johnnynorms said...

i have now got Milo's, been away, not started, but hope to make inroads this eve. I can see it's going to be my turn for book build up.