Sunday, February 22, 2009

What's Hogging the Landfill Now?


Johnnynorms said...

Excellent Mike! "I'm going to kill, my china pig.."

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Oh, how cute and sad, great commentary and cool illo!

Mike Kline said...

Thanks Johnny & Mary! :) Mine died!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Aiieee. :-(

Those sad eye . . .

Moleskine.Exchange said...

Poor piggies, great drawing Mike. Love the pink.

steve said...

Wonderfully drawn Mike!

Ian russell said...

ha, ha! excellent. I have a few of these around the house but none ever had any money in it.

Mike Kline said...

Thanks Andrea, Steve, and Ian, mine never seemed to accumulate much either, but a huge clear spaghetti jar I throw change into adds up pretty quick.