Sunday, April 18, 2010

Joan's Magnolia (Last one in Ash's Mole)

The magnolias are in full flower in Detroit, but going by soon. We stopped to enjoy Sam and Joan's magnolias when we visited them yesterday and I was inspired to paint them.

This was done with three "colors," Windsor Red deep (wc), Hooker's Green Dark (wc) and white (gouache). No other paint.

This is the last one, so Ash's mole will be packed up and mailed to Mike as soon as I can possibly do it. Hopefully tomorrow--I apologize for being a little late.

By the way, having had three semesters of dendro and looking at trees very closely, I know that normally, branches get smaller and don't wind into each other--but this tree was sort of knobby and had fat places and weird circular places.


Unknown said...

So beautiful! we have those Magnolias over here in NY as well. In Israel there are magnolia trees who's flowers look totally different - white with yellow inside.

Something Different said...


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks Aya and Andrea!!! YAY!

steve said...

love this style!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks, Steve, I was going to paint more flowers, but I liked the sort oriental feeling sparseness.

ballookey said...

Lovely! We have those pink magnolias blooming here as well - gorgeous.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks so much, Ballookey

henniemavis said...

Pretty, oh so pretty! (sing it)

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

he he, THANKS! :-D