Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dee and Dum (Last (?) of the set for Mike)

Tweedle. I just completed the last of the set of three skull paintings (artrage) for Mike's pocket (prints, since they are on the iPad). Roma, let me know if you'd also like a set.


roma said...

LOVE the skulls, Mary. Have at it! The calavera, as we call it in Spanish, is one of my favorite icons. Life and death. (I still remember when I was first learning about this group and considering joining, I saw an amazing skul spread by ballookey, I think right after someone in her family had died. That's when I knew I wanted to join.)

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

YAY--well, I will inclue a set of prints of these in your pocket and maybe do some skulls in your book as well.