Wednesday, February 25, 2009

He Blinded them with Science!


Mike Kline said...

Ian's Moleskin is on its way back across the Atlantic ocean! Here it is Johnny! Shipping tomorrow...

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

LOL! What a riot, and all too true, though I do believe in science up to a POINT!

Love the horns, the chaise, the idea! Very cool.

Mike Kline said...

Thanks Mary! I crack myself up! I definitely benefit from 600 plus laughs a day... :)

Moleskine.Exchange said...

I love the purple drape! Ha-ha! Would Satan be that modest ... or would he let it ALL hang out?

Mike Kline said...

I didn't think a snake with an apple would be appropriate! lol

Ian russell said...

Cheers, Mike, excellent work! Man, you're motoring - I better get a shift on myself with Mary's.

Mike Kline said...

Thanks Ian! I am without a moleskin at the moment so nothing more heading to the UK for a while. I haven't heard from Willie, but I know he is rather busy!