Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Little Cheese with that Whine?

I keep hearing people whining about their stinking stimulus checks. "Where is my check!?" Grown-ups are protesting and babbling in a childish manner about trivial things. Money really is trivial, is it not? Personally, I would like a little gold nugget because money doesn't grow on trees and writing myself a check doesn't really make my bank account grow. Someone has to pay for it and that someone is you and I...

Dire Straits: "Money for nothing and your checks for free..."

These are hard times...


steve said...

Oh geez, and all this time i thought that line was "the chicks for free" LOL! Again, well put and well done!

Mike Kline said...

No! Definitely CHECKS... When I hear people speak, it confirms the statistic that 85% of humanity suffers from a mental illness and the remaining 15% live in denial.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I am lucky, I am both mentally insane and in denial, but I do agree with entirely. (Hmm, what does that say about you?)

Cool sketch and appropriate statements to go with it!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Money is unimportant unless you REALLY NEED IT! I mean NEED, not want.

Mike Kline said...

Mary, I too suffer from both. I'm not sick, but I'm not well :)

If the stimulus check is an advance on money we have to pay back, it is more like a loan than free money. Getting an advance now means I will do without later, I think.

I know there are many hurting people out there who are getting extremely desperate. The need for money is a real issue. The invisible class gets no notice. It is very sad. What is the answer?