Friday, March 6, 2009

In John's book

current state of affairs

hello friend (with apologies to Ammon)

dear john

blue man


steve said...

Love 'em Willie - superb work man!

milo said...

Willie willie.. is that you buddy... riding a blow up chicken? i hope so!!!! love it!

Willie Baronet said...

Believe it or not, Ammon drew the top half of that one, which I thought looked like me. I just drew the chicken. (chicken??)

Mike Kline said...

I got it (the moleskin)! I can't believe this is the last one in the year of art...Where has the time gone.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

These are really cool. Far out! :-D

Johnnynorms said...

I'm very partial to blue man.

I MUST finish Milo's before I get mine least! No hurry now Mike.

Moleskine.Exchange said...

I'm with you John, Blue Man makes me happy.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

That blue man IS pretty cool! :-D :-D

milo said...

Willy... that DOES look like you! i love it! has he met you in person?