Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama is Superman!

Why does Superman look so sad? Superman is tired of being everything to everyone! Kryptonite is getting him down. Obama's Kryptonite is printed, green, has dead presidents on it and $ signs...


steve said...

Great point Mike. It seems his detractors are akin to salivating vultures trying to find things to blame him on, that occurred during the Bush administration. How quickly we forget. Great drawing too btw!

Mike Kline said...

Thanks Steve!

Andrea said...

So true. You could have made the S on his chest an $ to further illustrate your point. Great illo, Mike!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! Very cool illo, terrific points.

Mike Kline said...

Thanks Andrea! So true... $ would have been spot on!

Thanks Mary!