Monday, February 28, 2011

Beers for Aya (Round 2 Collab)

Hey Aya, have a beer with me? If you don't like beer, no worries, I'll drink yours... but please enjoy drawing something on this page first ;-)


Something Different said...

I like beer!

henniemavis said...

"...cuz it helps you unwind, sometimes it makes you feel mell-low... whiskey's too rough, champagne costs too much & vodka puts your mouth in gear... as a matter of fact, you like beer!"

Unknown said...

I also like beer!

I just had a talk with a friend who got back from 2months in Argentina, she doesn't like beer but she said that the only way to get people to be friendly and talk to her was to share a beer, so the whole trip she had beer after beer with people and very little Argentinian wine (which she loves).

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Beer, yummy tasty beer. (I prefer the fruity beers like Ithaca Apricot Wheat.) Cool start for a collaboration.