Sunday, September 14, 2008

cyborgs in Milo's book

Here's my submission for Milo's book. Once again I used collage along with drawing. I had amassed a stack of pre-painted strips of 2.5" x 3.5" paper, mostly set aside for making ATCs (artist trading cards). For each two page spread I cut a card without thinking much at all. I laid the pieces from the card out, and it wasn't until I glued them down that I decided to make them into "something". What that something is, I'm not too sure myself even. They remind me of the cyborg characters in the film AI, who turned out to be more benevolent and intelligent than the humans in the film. I decided to call them "Communicators", though how they are communicating is left up to the viewer. Below I colored them in Photoshop.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! These are really neat! I love seeing the originals and what you did with them on PS! FUN!

Love the colored cards you cut out and the imaginative responses to the shapes!

One looks electrical and also sexual! he he he!

Johnnynorms said...

They are well groovy Steve, I love the coloured bits and how they've metamorphed. I had an instant vision of the top of your head hinge-ing open, and these creatures floating/jumping out!

steve said...

Haha, I love your interpretations and visions already Mary and Johnny. Thanks for such encouraging feedback!

Mike Kline said...

These really are rockin' cool! The artistic flair is definitely there. Making things in other things, fun!

Moleskine.Exchange said...

These are super fun and creative, Steve!

Jess said...

Dude! Steve! This is the shit!

I was actually contemplating adding some collage to the mole I'm working on now, but I didn't really know how it would fit in...

These characters are so wonderful... you really have a talent for bringing creatures alive.

Also I have a thing for cyborgs, so, you know... awesome.

steve said...

Well thanks so much guys! :D