Saturday, September 6, 2008

Under Pressure in Andrea's Moleskin


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! That is very cool. I love the scales! He he he! I've seen those guys! Sweet!

It reminds me of a cross between a goldfish/carp and a sneaker. LOL! WHICH I like, that was meant as a compliment, because I like things that make me see other things and think.

Mike Kline said...

Mary, your comments are always spot on. I can see the sneaker too. Funny. For some reason, I have a problem with blank space. If there is room for ink, I say keep drawing. In reality my son put his finger down into a mass of 30ish grass carp and got a few nibbles indeed.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

So fun to "feed" your fingers to the carp, LOL! A little scary, too--this is cool. :-D

steve said...

I really like your use (or nonuse) of space here Mike! Nice!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

me too, me too!

Andrea said...

Hooray! I love it Mike, thanks!