Friday, September 12, 2008

digital stencils (for Andrea and . . . ?)

I don't have a mole right now, so forgive me for sharing this--I know Andrea loves stencils. I've been playing with the stencils on artrage, a computer program that you can download free (smaller version) or $25 for full version.

Of course, you can't use it on moles, unless you paste your work on, but I thought if you didn't know about it you might enjoy it--maybe you all do already. These three were made from stencils. You can make your own stencils from art or photos. Or use theirs.


Mike Kline said...

My wife came in and said, "Wow!" We both really like the lady one.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks so much Mike! :-D

The abstract with rectangles one (Wait, What?) came out looking washed out on the site, it actually looks better than that. Oh well.

Your art would make wonderful stencils in artrage.

Mike Kline said...

I am going to log-in to art rage an check it out. My daughter does some awesome work.

Mike Kline said...

I am going to log-in to art rage an check it out. My daughter does some awesome work.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Did you try it? Like it?

Moleskine.Exchange said...

These are cool Mary, I am so unexperinced at computer art. Get this ... I still have dial up at home. After working at a computer all day I hardly ever turn it on at home. Rarely. Maybe some day I'll do some more experimenting.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks, Andrea!

Computer art is fun and sort of addicting, but one disadvantage is, you always have a "print" and never an original.