Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mary's mole has reached English shores

It landed on my doormat Tuesday (thanks Mike) and here it is on my table, waiting for inspiration to tickle my creative nodes. Great to see all your work first hand, and it is very inspiring. I can't wait to get started, if only I was in more. Need some more so-called Arctic weather to keep us indoors.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Oh, how exciting! My Moley has reached England--before me--I've never been there. BB has, several times, but I never have.

How fun to see you with it and see your desk and art supplies! YAY!

Ian russell said...

Mr. Norms, did you have a tidy up?! I look at my desk and environs with dismay.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

he he, I was wondering the same thing, LOL! :-D

steve said...

Haha, it's Normal Normsey in the flesh! I like this idea John, and it's good to see you do get out some (haha). Out this way it's getting freakin' cc cc cooolddd!

Johnnynorms said...

Tidy-ish but cramped. I swear it's a natural shot, no tidying done apart from whipping off a boring tax form that had been sitting there. Well organised clutter everywhere!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! Wish I were that tidy! :-D

Moleskine.Exchange said...

Yeah, way more tidy than my workspace. I'm a pilot ... not airline of course, but piles of stuff EVERYWHERE!