Sunday, August 9, 2009

Me & My Mole: Failure, then Success!

I'm jumping on the hi-tech bandwagon by trying to post 2 photos simultaneously... ooo, reckless. On top is me unsuccessfully diddling with the self-timer on my cam. Ironically, it did in fact show my mole & me. Below, I'm snapping my own mug at arm's reach, which was easier than futzing with the self-timer. My mole arrived Friday. Andrea, you can add me to the blog roll, as I'm definitely rolling... happy to meet you all!


Moleskine.Exchange said...

Hennie, you are blogrolled! Welcome!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Welcome welcome Welcome! Funny and cute pictures. I always a appreciate a sense of the absurd!

steve said...

Welcome aboard Hennie!