Monday, May 27, 2013

Moleskine Exchange IV

Tired of Fighting for Peace!


merrytait said...

I love this graphic depiction of an oxymoron!! SUPER!!!!

Mike Kline said...

I couldn't stop thinking about how dumb it seems to "fight for peace." Of course, with this said, we are dealing with narcissistic human beings in powerful positions!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

This should be a national symbol. If you scan it or retake clearer, I will post it to Facebook and I bet it gets viral in its sharing.

Mike Kline said...

I thought it was clear when I took it. I don't have a clear shot. Maybe Aya can scan it for us.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I can do it when it gets to me. If she hasn't.