Thanks everyone who followed my A3 moleskine saga.
This is the recent news...
As I was trying a last round of looking for the lost A3 around the studio, I found this tote bag, which I had since May I think.
It's not the perfect solution since that still mean I'm going to need to carry 2 bags and it's not at all weather sealed, but hell, if I remembered about this tote, I would have not lost the first one... so I guess this would be my solution till something else comes up...
Aya, bummer about the lost book! Thank God it was blank. A loss still, but as you said, not as great a loss as it could have been.
I am certainly paranoid about leaving a book from the sketch exchange somewhere. I took Mike's to my last class for drawing there, and did the collab with Andrea in Ballook's book at a cafe last month (hence the breakfast theme). It's always risky taking books with us, but it's so wonderful to draw about town!
Hope it works and hope the other turns up--you did put your name in it, maybe someone wills till return it!
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