Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Round Three ~ Early Musings

When I was working in Aya's book I realized that there are only two people left to work in it and then it goes home to her. What??!?!

Thus, I have been doing some early thinking about round three. Yes, I said it, round 3.

I have a couple new folks who have emailed and want to join us. I have been considering a smaller number of people and going around twice, like Mary suggested last round. I have also been thinking that anyone who wants in for round three would have to pick one other artist that they know to join. For variety and so it isn't just artists I know and like.

What does anyone think? I know this has been a rough exchange, but I still find the collaboration and camaraderie extremely valuable and fulfilling. I hope a few of you do too.

Early thoughts from anyone else? Anyone willing to do this whole thing again? Anyone who knows they for sure don't want in again? Talk to me, people.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I'm willing to go around again if people are willing to have me--you guys are all so GOOD! I'm still a newbie.

(An old newbie, but a newbie none the less!)

I like the idea of arranging to do a collab with everyone int he group--or everyone who'se interested. There are several ways it could be done.

One advantage of going around twice would be just that--a collab with everyone. Another advantage would be seeing everyone's work "in the flesh!" Right now, some work doesn't get seen by people.

A DISADVANTAGE is that it would cost more in postage and another disadvantage is that it would be more opportunity to get burned out on the project.

ballookey said...

It still shocks me that it's so close to the end. I waiting on three books left to finish, I think. I know Mike's held up on a couple for personal reasons, so I don't know when I'll be done.

My book still has a ways before it's back to me also, but I would totally love be in on round three regardless.

I like the idea of going around twice, but as for inviting someone, the only people I know who are into this are already involved! ;) And Jessie from round one, who got me involved in the first place. Much as I'd love to work on a round with her, she seems very busy these days.

Anyway, I'm down with whatever. If you want to start round three like, tomorrow, I'm available! ;)

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

AS far as inviting someone else, unh-uh! :-( I invited Hennie, sort of. But I don't know anyone else. Well, I MIGHT, but I'd sure hate for my participation to be contingent on that!!!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Also, I have one of those humongous sketchbooks I was considering to use THIS round--what if I were to USE that big one this time? Would people want to try it or not?

Something Different said...

Mary, definitely not contingent. I was just throwing that out there if someone wanted to get an artist they thought would be a great fit involved. Hennie is a great fit! So thanks for inviting her to our group insanity project.

Also, I am personally fine with you wanting to use a huge book; we can address that with participants as we move forward. Any clue what it might cost to mail one of those? I mail to Canada this round, so that skews my idea of cost a bit.

Ballookey - SUPER!

Unknown said...

wow! and to think I still have about 5 or 6 book to come my way from round 2...

I just submitted one of my pages on Ballokey's book to a moleskine tumblr, and today it was published, a couple of people commented how cool this idea is, I also put a link to this blog so they might be interested.

I can shout out and see if anyone I know would want to participate on round 3.

merrytait said...

I checked the postage before, and it wasn't much more, but the rates and the way of calculating them have changed, so let me check into it again.

merrytait said...

What is a moleskine tumblr? Is it something we should look at?

ballookey said...

Tumblr is a popular blogging/reblogging platform. It's great for sharing tidbits culled from the web like photos, videos, quotes, etc..., and there's some cool ones dedicated to specific topics.

I think the Moleskine one Aya's talking about is:


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thank you! I seem to always be behind. I appreciate your help. :-D I'll look now.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

AH, I did find Aya's piece and lots of other interesting pieces!

steve said...

This is a tough one Andrea. I'll be mighty busy this school year, trying to earn National Board teaching level, and it's going to be very expensive for me as well. As much as I'd love to go round three, I'm going to take a break, 'cause I know I'll barely have much time to even do my own art this year. I'll still be following this blog however and if time permits, would love to join again in the future. Your exchange keeps me on my toes and is incredibly inspiring. Thanks always for the opportunity Andrea!

Something Different said...

Sorry to hear that Steve, but I understand. I hear getting National Board accreditation is a lot of work. Good for you. Of course, you are always welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrea, sorry for my delay in responding... got behind reading the posts when my work was very busy last month...

Anyway, I MIGHT be interested in Round 3, depending. I still have several books to complete, due to the back-up at Ash, so I can't anticipate when Round 2 will end for me. When I know that, I can decide if my schedule will allow me the luxury of Round 3 :-) I might be going back to school next year sometime, not sure yet... and if that happens, I might be in the same boat as Steve... wanting to join, but just not really having the time.

I hope I can do Round 3, tho, as you know I do enjoy this! (Thanks for saying I'm a good fit... I thought so, HA!)

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

what school might you be going to and what might you be studying?